Digest Report 2016 - FEDERATION of Canadian Music Festivals FÉDÉRATION canadienne des festivals de musique - FCMF (2024)

FEDERATION of Canadian Music Festivals FÉDÉRATION canadienne des festivals de musique Digest Report 2016 67th Annual Conference and General MeetingAlberta College Campus of MacEwan University Edmonton, Alberta August 9-10, 2016

Federation of Canadian Music Festivals THANK YOU TO OUR 2016 NATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL SUPPORTERS! Ontario Music Festivals Association 37 Local Alberta Music Festivals Oilsands Rotary Music Festival 2

Digest Report 2016 FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUSIC FESTIVALS Digest Report 2016 MISSION STATEMENT “We envision a world that appreciates music. We provide a step in the journey towards excellence in music performance, with educational opportunities for students and teachers. We strive to develop well-rounded individuals with positive life and performance skills who will give their gifts back to the community, ensuring that the arts will flourish”. – Federation of Canadian Music Festivals, Incorporated in 1952 The NRS Foundation through the Victoria Foundation, BCWe are delighted to support these gifted young musicians and wish all participants in the National Music Festival much success in their future artistic endeavors. – NRS Foundation through the Victoria Foundation 3

Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Table of ContentsOfficers and Committees 5President’s Message 6Significant Contributors to FCMF 7 Founders of the Federation 7 Presidents of the Federation 8 Honorary Life Members 8 Life Members 8 2016 Individual and Associate Members 9 2016 Supporters 10 45 Celebration Donors 11Annual General Meeting – August 9-10, 2016 12 Welcome & Roll Call 12 1st place Voice 1st place Piano Business Arising from 2015 Minutes 13 Alyssa Durnie, AB Jaeden Izik-Dzurko, BC Reports of Officers 13 Presentations 16 Committee Reports 18 New Business 23 Elections 24 Provincial Reports 26Audited Financial Statement 38Federation & Festival Events 44 The 46th Annual National Music Festival 45 2016 National Music Festival Solo & Chamber Finalists 48 2016 National Music Festival Choral Finalists 492016 Festival Statistics 50Festival Directory 53 1st place Strings 1st place Guitar Eric Auerbach, AB Xu Kun [Alan] Liu, BC 1st placeWoodwinds 1st place Brass 1st place Percussion 1st place Musical Theatre Rachel Tormann, ON Quinn McGillis, ON Fraser Krips, SK Brent Raddall, NS 1st place Chamber Ensemble Saudade Trio, AB Eric Auerbach [Violin], Jenny Crance [Cello], Minja McKenna [Viola] Photo Credit for Competitor Photos: Steven Fielder 4

Digest Report 2016 FCMF Officers 2016PRESIDENT Jerry Lonsbury EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Heather Bedford-Clooney PO Box 416 [Fiscal Year 2015/2016] 14004 75 Avenue NW Blairmore, AB T0K 0E0 Edmonton, AB T5R 2Y6 403-563-8954 1-877-323-3263 [toll free] president@fcmf.org fcmf@shaw.caPAST PRESIDENT Pam Allen DIRECTOR Tom Davidson 1422 Bayview Avenue, Unit A 136 Duke of Kent Ave. Toronto, ON M4G 3A7 Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1X9 416-487-5885 438-888-7805 pastpresident@fcmf.org tom@fcmf.orgVICE-PRESIDENT Joy McFarlane-Burton DIRECTOR Karen MacCallum 125-918 Heritage View Box 175 Saskatoon, SK S7H 1X3 Swift Current, SK S9H 3V6 306-652-2960 306-774-4857 vicepresident@fcmf.org karen@fcmf.orgTREASURER Leslie Walters DIRECTOR Robin Norman 14 Elm Avenue 206 Moran Crescent Kentville, NS B4N 1Y9 Prince George, BC V2M 6N2 902-678-3848 250-562-6806 treasurer@fcmf.org robin@fcm.org FCMF Committee Chairs 2016FINANCE Leslie Walters ADJUDICATOR SELECTION Joan WoodrowMARKETING/ Joan Woodrow PLANNING Martha GregoryCOMMUNICATIONS MEMBERSHIP Dianne JohnstoneHISTORY/ARCHIVES Norma Jean Atkinson FUNDRAISING Dianne JohnstoneNOMINATING Pam Allen PUBLIC RELATIONS Robin NormanSYLLABUS Carol Donhauser The President and Executive Director are ex-officio on all committees. 5

Federation of Canadian Music Festivals President’s Message As one reads past Digests, the President’s Message has traditionally focused on saying thank you to the many people involved in the staging of the festival. I would be remiss if I didn’t follow that tradition. This was the second consecutive year that the Alberta Music Festival Association hosted the National Music Festival in Edmonton. That is dedication! Alberta’s efforts were led by co-chairs Dianne Johnstone and Norma Jean Atkinson, who in turn were assisted by a host of volunteers. As a result of their efforts, which encompassed months of work, the National Music Festival was a resounding success. The young musicians representing all provinces in Canada had the opportunity to meet, to compete with, and to socialize with one another. Some left with new friendships that will last a lifetime. My personal thank you to the Alberta Music Festival Association and its volunteers; to the Federation’s Executive Director, Heather Bedford-Clooney; and to those tireless volunteers all across Canada, who in their local communities, provide the initial opportunities for the young musicians who eventually perform at the National Music Festival. Although the primary focus of the Federation’s gathering is the National Music Festival, the Annual General Meeting sets the course for the Federation’s future. Year to year much of the business transacted is routine, but not all of it. This year the AGM was presented with a governance proposalcrafted by the Da Capo Committee (a committee authorized to examine the Federation’s governance and structure). It was accepted inprincipal although refinements and required by-law changes are in process for presentation at the next AGM.The time before the formal Federation Dinner is set aside for the presentation of choral awards and the recognition of outstandingcontributions to the Federation. This year, Dianne Johnstone was awarded “Founding Member” status. Dianne has been part of theFederation since 1998 and fund raiser for many of those intervening years. Gloria Nickell was awarded an Honorary Life Membershipfor her significant contribution to the festival movement at the local, provincial and national level. Thank you Dianne and Gloria!Delegates and friends of the Federation were saddened to learn of Marilyn Wiwcharuk’s battle with cancer. I had the honour ofrepresenting the Federation at a memorial service in Kamloops, BC, for Marilyn, who was the Past President of the Federation at thetime of her death. Marilyn had served three years as president and had been a member of the Executive Committee for a number ofyears before that. Delegates at the AGM missed her presence.Dianne Johnstone, true to earlier stated intentions, confirmed that she was retiring from her long-held position as Fund Raiser forFCMF. With the need to ensure continuity in maintaining the current donor base and efforts to expand it, the delegates at the AGMvoted to combine the roles of the Fund Raiser and the Executive Director, on a temporary trial basis. This effectively created a newposition for which applications were requested. The successful applicant was Barbara Long of New Brunswick who has a long historywith both NB and with the Federation. Welcome Barbara.Executive Committee members said their farewells to Heather Bedford-Clooney in October, at their Executive Committee meetingin Saskatoon. As I conclude this message, I would like to acknowledge Heather’s significant contribution to the Federation since herappointment as Executive Assistant in 2011, then as Executive Director in 2012. During her tenure the organization made significantstrides in moving away from paper based to digital means of communication with Digests and Piú Mosso newsletter being primarilydistributed via electronic communication. Heather was instrumental in leading a three year trial to move away from campus basedaccommodation and meals, to other options which would allow participants to make more of their own choices about accommodationsand meals. Being confined to a campus is no longer a requirement for participants. Should this continue to be the model, Heather’scontribution will be ongoing for some years.Co-ordinating myriad details associated with the planning and running of a National Music Festival is a huge challenge. So, as we sayfarewell to Heather in her capacity as Executive Director, she goes with our best wishes for her future, and with our gratitude for a jobwell, and always promptly, done. Thank you, Heather!Respectfully submitted,Jerry Lonsbury, PresidentFederation of Canadian Music Festivals 6

Digest Report 2016 Significant Contributors to FCMFFOUNDERS OF THE FEDERATIONThe purpose of this designation is to retain the names of those individuals who are worthy of memory. These outstanding festivalleaders committed themselves to the music festival movement in Canada and, by their service to the Federation of Canadian MusicFestivals and the National Music Festival, have enriched the lives of countless young musicians.Worthy names to receive this honour will be recommended by the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals and ratifiedby the delegates at the Annual General meeting. The names of the recipients of this honour will be listed annually in the Digest.George S. MathiesonFederation members have always recognized the pivotal role played by this festival leader. Through his initiative the Conference ofFestival Delegates was assembled in 1926 and continued to meet regularly until 1949. It was he who established the link with theBritish Music Festival Federation in order that the British adjudicator chain could be set in place. Mr. Mathieson, more than anyone,made that “chain” work in those early years. A man of energy and foresight, Mr. Mathieson is indeed our principal founder.Richard W. CookeRichard Cooke was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the newly formed Federation of Music Festivals in 1949. He served faithfully inthat position until 1978. His contemporaries knew him affectionately as “Mr. Festival”. There can be no denying the devotion anddedication of this festival leader. Obviously he was energetic, clever and, in his own way, charismatic. He, as part of the “WinnipegTrio”*, created a strong and effective Federation.*Reg Hugo and James Seaton, for years were fellow members with Mr. Cooke of the Administrative Council.Reg HugoReg Hugo, first President of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals in 1950, served in this capacity until 1964. Thereafter heremained involved as an active member of the Administrative Committee of the Federation until his death in 1974 — altogethernearly thirty years of conscientious service. This learned and articulate festival leader was honoured by the Federation in 1968 withthe designation of Lifetime Honorary President and Life Member. As founding President of the Federation, he built a solid foundation.E.G. “Ted” PridhamTed Pridham, President of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals from 1964-1967, made his greatest contribution to the Federationas chief organizer of the Centennial Festival of 1967 and then as coordinator of the National Music Festival in 1972. Richard Cookesaw Mr. Pridham’s efforts on behalf of these two important festivals as essential. As well, Ted Pridham was coordinator of the NationalMusic Festival until 1977 and joined Reg Hugo as an Honorary President of the Federation between 1970-1987. It is quite specificallythrough the vision, talents and energies of this man that a National Festival became a reality.Marlene CherryMarlene Cherry was responsible for initiating significant change in the sponsorship of the FCMF Conference and its associated NationalMusic Festival at a crucial time. Working on a Steering Committee with colleagues Mac Jones and Dianne Johnstone, MarleneCherry helped create a new Conference model in which she saw the realization of the first ever city-sponsored FCMF Conference andCompetition held in Lloydminster, AB/SK in 2002, thereby ensuring that young musicians from across Canada would continue to havethe opportunity to showcase their talents.Cora MolstadCora Molstad began her involvement in the festival movement in 1963 with the Edmonton Kiwanis Club and continued her involvementin festivals throughout the next thirty years. From 1978 on, Mrs. Molstad was involved with and responsible for starting fifteen newMusic Festivals in Alberta. In 1981, she and her committee organized and programmed the first National Music Festival to be heldoutside of Toronto. In 1993, she became the first woman to join the Edmonton Kiwanis Club and became the first female Presidentof the Kiwanis Music Festival Board.Dianne JohnstoneAt the 2016 National Music Festival, Dianne Johnstone was awarded the honour of being named as a ‘Founder of the Federation’.Dianne began her involvement in the festival movement in 1987 with the Provost Music Festival. She sat on the Alberta Music FestivalBoard for many years and through her involvement with Alberta she became involved with the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals.It was at this time her passion grew even more for the Festival Movement and young musicians in Canada! In 2002, a time when FCMFwas transitioning from corporate sponsorship, she was asked to raise funds to host the National Music Festival in Lloydminster and thusbegan her position as Fundraiser for the National Music Festival. During the years 2002 – 2016 she brought in over a $1,000,000. Herwork and commitment helped shape FCMF into the organization it is today. 7

Federation of Canadian Music FestivalsPRESIDENTS OF THE FEDERATIONMr. Reg Hugo Manitoba 1950-1963 Mrs. Elizabeth Lupton Enns Manitoba 1989-1990Mr. E.G. Pridham Ontario 1964-1967 Mr. James Mendenhall Manitoba 1991-1995Mr. Gordon Hanco*ck Saskatchewan 1968-1969 Mr. J. Alexander Clark Prince Edward Island 1996-1997Mr. D. Crawford Smyth Ontario 1970-1971 Mr. Mac Jones Alberta 1998-1999Mr. W. Donald Goodfellow Alberta 1972-1973 Mrs. Doris Covey Lazecki Saskatchewan 2000-2001Mrs. Jean Crittal Ontario 1974-1976 Mr. Gérald Goguen New Brunswick 2002-2003Lt. Col. C.O. Hunt Ontario 1977 Mr. James Harmsworth Ontario 2004-2005Dr. J.F.K. English British Columbia 1978-1979 Mrs. Dianne Johnstone Alberta 2006-2009Mr. R.R. Publow Manitoba 1980 Mr. Steven Fielder Ontario 2010Mr. H.D. Scully Nova Scotia 1981-1982 Mrs. Pam Allen Ontario 2011Mrs. Kathleen Keple Saskatchewan 1983-1984 Mrs. Marilyn Wiwcharuk British Columbia 2012-2015Mr. Barry McDell British Columbia 1985-1986 Mr. Jerry Lonsbury Alberta 2016-Mrs. Colleen Wilson Alberta 1987-1988HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSMs. Norma Jean Atkinson Fort McMurray AB Mr. George S. Mathieson [D] Winnipeg MBMrs. Vivienne Bennie Port Coquitlam BC Mr. E.R. McCrimmon [D0 Toronto ONMr. Paul Bourret [D] Edmonton AB Mr. Barry McDell [D] Vancouver BCMr. G. Murray Campbell [D] Winnipeg MB Mrs. Cora Molstad [D] Edmonton ABMrs. Gail Carleton Dalhousie NB Mr. Robert Murray Antigonish NSMrs. Marlene Cherry Calgary AB Mrs. Gloria Nickell Rosetown SKMrs. Doris Covey Lazecki Regina SK Mr. H.W. Patterson [D] Toronto ONMrs. Ada English [D] Victoria BC Mrs. Sharon Penner Moose Jaw SKMr. R. Donald Fullerton [D] Toronto ON Dr. David Peters [D] St. John’s NLMr. Gérald Goguen Fredericton NB Mrs. Dorcas Plant Kitchener ONMrs. Mossie Hanco*ck [D] Regina SK Mrs. Donna Quinton-Schonfield Calgary ABMr. Reg Hugo [D] Winnipeg MB Ms. Cindy Rublee Winnipeg MBMrs. Dianne Johnstone Provost AB Mrs. Rosemary Short Victoria BCMrs. Penny Joynt Saskatoon SK Mr. D.G.W. Sutherland [D] Lethbridge ABMrs. Kathleen Keple Cobble Hill BC Mr. J. Page Wadsworth [D] Toronto ONDr. Lois Marshall [D] Toronto ON Mrs. Shirley [Baker] Whiston Halifax NSThe Federation of Canadian Music Festivals may, from time to time, award a person an Honorary Life Membership. The nomination foran Honorary Life Membership is initiated by the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals, and approved by the votingdelegates at the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals.LIFE MEMBERSDr. Catherine Allison [D] Ottawa ON Mrs. Hectorine Lauzier [D] Shippagan NBMrs. Marion J. Andrews Grand Falls NL Mrs. Margaret Long [D] Burns Lake BCDr. A.D. Bona [D] Saint John NB Mrs. Angela Matheson Charlottetown PEMr. R.W. Cooke [D] Winnipeg MB Mrs. Vera Mattson Prince Albert SKMiss Mary Donahue [D] Charlottetown PE Mr. E.G. Pridham [D] Toronto ONMrs. Ada English [D] Victoria BC Mr. John Rooke [D] Ottawa ONMr. William Fairbairn [D] Lethbridge AB Mr. James Seaton [D] Winnipeg MBMrs. Yolande Fitzgerald South Surrey BC Mr. Jan Simons [D] Westmount QCMr. Benjamin R. Guss [D] Saint John NB Dr. D. Seyward Smith Victoria BCMrs. Thos Guy [D] Saint John NB Mr. D. Crawford Smyth [D] Scarborough ONMr. Gordon Hanco*ck [D] Regina SK Mrs. Iris Sproule [D] Peterborough ONMrs. Carole Helfter Holland MB Mrs. Joan Tuckey Edmonton ABMrs. Thomas Howden Prince Albert SK Mr. Wilbert Ward Brampton ONLt. Col. C.O. Hunt [D] Toronto ON Mrs. A.E. White [D] Toronto ONMrs. Polly Krasnoff [D] Medicine Hat ABLife Memberships may be purchased for oneself or for any other person at the cost of $500. The request, in writing, for any LifeMembership is made to the President of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals by June 30th of each year, and approved bythe Executive prior to the Annual General Meeting. The delegates at the Annual General Meeting will ratify the recipients of thisdesignation. [D] denotes deceased 8

Digest Report 2016 Members 2016 Liste de membres The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals extends sincere thanks to the following 2016 National Music Festival supporters. La Fédération canadienne des festivals de musique remercie sincèrement les personnes suivantes qui ont soutenu le Festival national de musieque 2016. Patron Members [$200] Members [$50]Membres Associate Members [$50] Membres du patron [200 $] Jennifer Bell, ON Membres associés [50 $] Mac Jones, AB Susan Belleperche, ON Annapolis Valley Music Festival, NS Beth Cook, AB Bridgewater Music Festival, NS Associate Patron Members Lisa Cosens Brillon, ON Federation of Music Festivals for Nova Membres du patron associés Diane Campbell, PE Scotia, NS [200 $] Carol Donhauser, SK Miramichi Regional Music Festival, NB Wendy Durieux, AB Newfoundland Federation of Music Oilsands Rotary Music Festival, AB Darlene Ewing, ON Festivals, NL Sustaining Members [$100] Steven Fielder, ON Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival Society, Membres soutenant [100 $] Kathy Fuller, NS BC William Gordon, MB [D] denotes deceased/désigne décédée Pam Allen, ON Martha Gregory, ON Rhéal & Isabel Fournier, NB Melvin Hurst, ON Jerry Lonsbury, AB Catherine Isaac-Jamieson, NS Karen MacCallum, SK Christopher Lane, NB Sue Reedman, BC Barbara Long, NB Jean Robin, AB Sheila Lonsbury, AB Keith Robin, AB Antonia Mahon, BC Dr. Ireneus Zuk, ON Wayne Madden, ABAssociate Sustaining Members Joy McFarlane-Burton, SKMembres soutenant associés Gloria Nickell, SK Robin Norman, BC [100 $] Gerry Punke, NS Camrose & District Music Festival, AB Evelyne Reid, ONCanadian Music Festival Adjudicators’ Mary Ross, AB Association, CAN Sherry Sproule, SKGrande Prairie & District Music Festival Nancy Toppings, SK Association, AB Karen Unger, SK Judith Urbonas, MB Lynn van Zanten, BC Heilwig von Koenigsloew, BC Leslie Walters, NS Marilyn Wiwcharuk, BC [D] Joan Woodrow, NL 9

Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Thank you to our 2016 Supporters! Merci à tous no supporteurs 2016! PRESTO $10,000 Kamloops Festival of the Performing Arts, BC Chateau Lacombe Hotel, AB† Kathleen Keple, BC The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation, ON Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto, ON Kiwanis Music Festival, National Capital Region, ON VIVACE $5,000 – $9,999 Lakehead Festival of Music & the Arts, ON Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association, CAN Liz Lupton, BC NRS Foundation through the Victoria Foundation, BC Marek Jablonski Endowment Fund, AB ALLEGRO $1,000 – $4,999 Stephen & Penny McCain, NB Alberta Music Festival Association, AB Miramichi Regional Music Festival, NB Gail Asper & Michael Paterson, MB La Fédération des festivals de musique du Norma Jean Atkinson, AB NouveauBrunswick/ Gail Carleton, NB New Brunswick Federation of Music Festivals, Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival, AB New Glasgow Music Festival, NS The Flag Shop, AB† Gloria Nickell, SK Dr. Phyllis Forsyth, ON Performing Arts BC Festival Society, BC Grande Prairie & District Encana Music Festival, AB Pickering GTA Music Festival, ON Wendy & Harley MacCaull, NS Provost Music Festival, AB MacEwan University | Alberta College Conservatory of Jean & Keith Robin, AB Music, AB† Mary Ross & Jim O’Keefe, AB Mike Malone, AB† Saskatchewan Music Festival Association, SK Joy McFarlane-Burton & Rick Burton, SK Stettler & District Music Festival, AB Oilsands Rotary Music Festival, AB Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival, BC Olds & District Kiwanis Music Festival, AB Dr. Ireneus Zuk, ON Ontario Music Festivals Association, ON ANDANTINO $1– $99 Ricoh, AB† Nadine Harshenin, AB The Shean Piano Competition, AB Barbara Long, NB The Shean Strings Competition, AB Wayne Madden, AB ANDANTE $100 – $999 Wilber & Joyce Ward, ON Anonymous Friends of Paul Bourret 2015 FCMF Delegates M. Akerboom, AB Pam Allen, ON Norma Jean Atkinson, AB Bedford Family, AB Darlene Downing, AB Lynn Edwards, AB Brenda Bauman, AB Dennis Fedeyka, AB Dilys Bourret, AB Bernie Huedephoi, AB June Chittick, AB Diana Kroetsch, AB Barbara Clark, ON Jerry & Sheila Lonsbury, AB Cold Lake Music Festival, AB Barb Maddigan, AB Beth Cook, AB Sherry Rempel, AB Tom Davidson, QC Mary Ross, AB Drumheller & District Music Festival, AB Kent Sutherland, AB Dr. Deon & Antoinette Erasmus, AB Rhonda Sylvester, AB Family of Paul Bourret, AB Marilynn Thornton, AB Maryan Threndyle, AB Steven Fielder, ON Veronica Weber, AB Rhéal & Isabel Fournier, NB Fredericton Music Festival, NB NATIONAL TRUST FUND Gérald Goguen, NB Norma Jean Atkinson, AB Jayne Hayes, BC Wayne Madden, AB Janet Scott-Hoyt, AB Dianne Johnstone, AB + in kind donations/dons en nature Mac Jones, AB 10
Digest Report 2016 Célébration 45 CelebrationThe 45 Celebration - Just $45 keeps music alive!” - was a special fundraising project to recognize the 45th consecutivenational Music Festival. Each of these supporters donated $45 [or a multiple of $45, shown in parenthesis]. Of the $45,$15 was directed back to their provincial or local music festival, if requested, thereby strengthening the festival movementacross the country.L’événement intitulé « Célébration 45 - Juste 45 $ maintient la musique vivante! » était un projet spécial de collecte de fondsvisant à reconnaître le 45e Festival national de musique consécutif. Chacaune de ces personnes a donné 45 $ [ou un multiplede ce montant en parenthèse] et lorsque les donateurs en ont fait la demande, 15 $ de ce montant ont été remis au festivalde musique provincial ou local désigné, ce qui a contribué à le mouvement des festivals de musique partout au pays.Alberta British Columbia Prince Edwarde IslandAirdrie Festival of Performing Arts Colombie-Britannique Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardNorma Jean Atikinson [12] Kathleen Keple East Prince Music Festival [2]Brenda Baumna Robin Norman SaskatchewanCardston Elementary School Choirs [2] Powell River Festival of the PerformingAnne Carrier Arts Sharon Apland [2]June Chittick Sue Reedman [2] Fran Atkinson [2]Ursula Church Heilwig von Koenigsloew Fred Atkinson [2]Beth Cook Marilyn Wiwcharuk [D] Carol DonhauserBarbara Donkin [2] Karen MacCallum Manitoba Joy McFarlane-BurtonLinda EllisDennis Fedeyko [3] Judith Urbonas Goria Nickell [2]Sandra Fisher New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick Sharon Penner [3]Jo-Dell C. Forestier Sask Valley Music Festival Gail Carleton Marielle Schafer [3]Catherine Claser-Climie Rhéal & Isabel Fournier Sherry SprouleJennifer Harbour Barbara Long [2] Susan & Wade SumnerNadine HarsheninGreg & Roxane Ibach [2] Newfoundland and Labradour/Terre- Nancy ToppingsDianne Johnstone Neuve et Labrador [D] denotes deceased/désigne décédéeCathy Kennedy Joan WoodrowLacombe & District Music FestivalWolfram Linnebach [2] Nova Scotia/Nouvelle-ÉcosseJerry & Sheila Lonsbury [2] Bridgewater Music FestivalMarian MacLeod Patricia BrysonWayne Madden [5] OntarioBarbara MaddiganCharles Neill [2] Pam AllenAnn Newman Darlene EwingCarol Paulgaard [2] Rachel EwingJoanne Paulgaard Steven FielderNorma Paulgaard Melvin HurstDonna Paulgaard-Johnson Pickering GTA Music FestivalDebbie Regehr Wilbert WardJean RobinKeith RobinMary RossSylvia Shadick Taylor [2]Robin Stuart A life without music is unthinkable,Bev SweetJennifer Thomas so thank you for being part of this wonderful event!Christine Van Boom [2]Janet Ying -Dr. Phyllis Forsyth, Ontario 11
Federation of Canadian Music Festivals 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals 67th Annual General Meeting Chateau Lacombe Hotel Edmonton, Alberta August 9-10, 2016The 67th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals was called to order at 9:06 am on Tuesday, August 9, 2016.GREETINGSJerry Lonsbury, President of FCMF, welcomed delegates to the 2016 AGM.It was announced that motions would be recorded as Carried or Defeated. Vote count will be recorded only if requested before thevote is called; The request for a secret ballot vote will need to be made prior to the vote being called. Abstentions will not be calledfor, or recorded.Dianne Johnstone, Co-Chair of Host Committee, welcomed delegates to Edmonton.It was noted that Marilyn Wiwarchuk, sitting FCMF Past President, passed away February 1, 2016. Delegates miss her presence.Jerry asked delegates to declare any conflicts of interest. None were declared.ROLL CALLThe Executive Committee and Executive Director were introduced:Jerry Lonsbury – Blairmore, AB [President]Joy McFarlane-Burton – Saskatoon, SK [Vice-President]Leslie Walters – Kentville, NS [Treasurer]Pam Allen – Toronto, ON [Past President]Tom Davidson, Montréal, PQ [Director]Robin Norman – Prince George, BC [Director]Karen MacCallum – Swift Current, SK [Director]Dianne Johnstone – Provost, AB [Fundraiser – ex officio]Heather Bedford-Clooney – Edmonton, AB [Executive Director – ex-officio]PROVINCIAL DELEGATESBritish Columbia - Sue Reedman, Antonia Mahon, Lynn Van Zanten, Heilwig Von KeonigsloewAlberta - Wendy Durieux, Norma Jean Atkinson, RJ Chambers, Beth CookSaskatchewan - Nancy Toppings, Karen Unger, Sherry Sproule, Carol DonhauserManitoba - Judith Urbonas, William Gordon [Proxy]Ontario - Sue Belleperche, Lisa Cousens Brillon, Darlene Ewing, Steven Fielder, Martha Gregory, Jennifer Bell [Proxy]Québec - Tom Davidson [already listed under Officers]New Brunswick - Barbara Long, Rheal Fournier, Christopher Lane [Proxy]Nova Scotia - Kathy Fuller, Catherine Isaac Jamieson, Gerry Punke [Proxy]Prince Edward Island - Diane Campbell [Proxy]Newfoundland and Labrador - Joan WoodrowADOPTION OF MINUTESThe Fund Raising Committee report was added to the agenda under Standing Committees.The Agenda was adopted as amended.CONSENT CALENDARBarbara Long was appointed as recording secretary.The minutes of the 2015 AGM were accepted as circulated in the Digest.That the delegates ratified all decisions made by Executive Committee throughout the year. It was requested by delegates that motionresults be included in next year’s report.The Provincial Reports were received and are attached as an addendum to these minutes. 12
Digest Report 2016UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM LAST MEETING a. Choral SubmissionsIn order to simplify the choral submission process, MP3 or MP4 formats of recordings and a copy of the scores will be uploaded intoa specially designated Dropbox folder. The Executive Director will then code them for anonymity and place into a different Dropboxfolder for the adjudicators. •The front cover of music must be included to be considered a legal copy. •If preferred, the files may be submitted by email from locals to provincials, and from provincials to national Executive Director. •Include a copy of the receipt for downloaded music, if available. •According to consultation with a Copyright Canada representative, it is legal to record for educational and archival purposes •OMFA used the model this year and it worked very well.MOTION #1: That FCMF adopt the Ontario model for choral submission by MP3 as described above. Robin Norman/Pam Allen. Carried.REPORTS OF OFFICERSPRESIDENT’S REPORTWhat an eventful past year this has been. It really began last year when then President Marilyn Wiwcharuk was able to persuade thedelegates to accept a plan to invest our long standing “National Trust Fund” in the Victoria Foundation. That move was accompaniedby a gift from the Foundation itself and from another Foundation Donor with an interest in supporting our goals. The return on thatinvestment allows us this year to present a 2nd prize at the Grand Award Competition.Sadly, Marilyn’s health which was not especially good at the 2015 AGM continued to deteriorate and after a significant effort atcontinuing to teach her pupils and participate in the affairs of the Federation, Marilyn required and requested hospice care. TheFederation was represented by the President of the Federation at her “Celebration of Life Service.” It was indeed a tribute to Marilyn’sinvolvement in music in her home town of Kamloops, in her province and, through her contributions to the Federation, in all of Canada.After many, many, many years of active involvement in the Federation, as delegate, Vice-president, President, Past President and fundraiser, Dianne Johnstone advised that she will leave her work in the organization effective October 31, 2016. Quite apart from theofficial offices she has held, Dianne has become the “go-to” person for all – all members, all the reminders, and all the little details sheseems to have her finger on. Each of you will appreciate how much she will be missed even though the writer is at a loss to find theappropriate words. To simply say thank you seems woefully inadequate.An outcome of last year’s AGM was the authorization of a committee to examine the Federation’s goal, purpose, and ability to moveinto the future. Some of the results of the committee work will be shared with delegates at this AGM. The committee will want anextension to its term as there still remains much to be done.Each of you as this year’s delegates will have a unique opportunity to have a voice and hand in moving the Federation into the future.Your voices and votes are at the heart of the Federation.Jerry LonsburyFCMF PresidentEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORTIt has been a joy to serve the FCMF as Executive Director for the past year. We have been looking forward to the future, a future thatis most exciting. I thank Jerry Lonsbury and the Executive for their help and encouragement as I went about my daily tasks. I wouldespecially like to thank Pam Allen, Dianne Johnstone, Joan Woodrow and Steven Fielder- they give a great deal to the organization and,I am fortunate they share their talents with me.Respectfully submitted,Heather Bedford ClooneyTREASURER’S REPORTWe are never completely certain of the outcome of the finances but always optimistic that revenue will come pouring in and we willfind the deal of the century to keep our expenses low. To be honest, I am always overwhelmed by the generosity that comes our way.The net gain over loss this year was once again on the plus side and our investment in the Victoria Foundation has seen growth thatwould not have been possible had we continued to keep our funds in GICs.Working on the budget this year was a bit challenging. We are faced with the retirement of our very successful fundraiser, DianneJohnstone. Will our revenues be affected as a result? Will we be affected by the devastating loss of the wild fires in Fort McMurray towhich Alberta and the rest of the country has responded by reaching out with donations?Dianne and I have often discussed the hours that are spent not just finding donors but maintaining and nurturing the relationships thatallow us year after year to be the recipients of their generosity and the beneficiaries of their loyalty to our organization.In 2017 without Dianne at the helm, we are not certain of the outcome of the donations that will be received but I do know thatDianne is going to make sure that the new Fundraiser is introduced to each and every one of our donors and will re-assure them that 13
Federation of Canadian Music Festivalswe are still a worthy cause.Ottawa’s host committee is working diligently on raising funds and forming partnerships in the city to assist us with the cost of thefestival. The host committee has already shown that they are committed to helping us to produce another successful National MusicFestival.My term has ended however, as passed by a motion at last year’s AGM, if there is a new Treasurer elect, I will continue to work andcomplete this fiscal year for the year-end audit with the incoming Treasurer.Leslie WaltersFCMF Treasurer a. Audited StatementMOTION #2: That the audited financial statements for year ending 31 October, 2015 as prepared by Key Financial [formerly Monroeand Company] be accepted. Leslie Walters/Barbara Long. Carried by email vote. b. Review of bank account summaries and investments.In 2015 we were notified that there were 2 dormant accounts:Business Investor Account $94.66 Transferred to chequing accountBusiness Investor Account $4,019.332015 Motion #14: That the FCMF move the $4,019.33 in the dormant savings account to our chequing account by fiscal year end.This transfer did not take place. The National Trust Fund Investment account, with a balance of $96931.63, was closed and the fundswere transferred to the savings account that held the balance of $4,019.33, in order to have the $100,000.00 required to invest in theVictoria Foundation.MOTION #3: FCMF move $950.66 [current balance of savings account] to current chequing account and close the savings account.Leslie Walters/Robin Norman. CarriedBalance in TD Operating Reserve GIC is $53,735.63. This is funded by the $0.10 per entry each year.Victoria Foundation Funds 1. Federation of Canadian Music Festivals FundInvestment September 2015 $100,000.00 Interest earned September – June $4,273.74 2. National Music Festival [FCMF] FundInvestment September 2015 $30,000.00 [Gifted] Contribution by: NRS Fund $22,500.00 Interest earned September – June $1,391.60 Victoria Foundation $7,500.00 $30,000.00Total Return on investments, September, 2015 to June, 2016: $5,665.34ACTION #1: That the FCMF Treasurer investigate moving our current Operating Reserve GIC from a 100-day revolving GIC Investmentearning 0.55% to a Market Growth Investment.Rationale: In this type of investment, the principle is guaranteed and interest rates can be as high as 5% per annum.MOTION #4: That FCMF re-invest the interest earned from the Victoria Foundation by adding it to the capital, for this year. Pam Allen/Robin Norman. Carried. c. Review of last fiscal year’s Revenue and ExpensesFCMF Treasurer, Leslie Walters, presented a working copy of the last fiscal year’s Revenue and Expenses which showed details of howmoney was received and spent.Revenue: • AGM Conference revenue and expenses - significantly higher in 2014 because meals were included • Gifts-in-kind equivalent amounts included as revenue and expensesMOTION #5: That the competitor entry fee be raised from $175 to $200. This will include a complimentary MP3 file of their performance.Robin Norman/Sue Reedman. Carried. 14
Digest Report 2016MOTION #6: That the Conference Registration fee be raised from $175 to $200. Robin Norman/Lynn Van Zanten. Carried.Expenses: • There was a discussion about the FCMF’s VISA card and whether it is the best type of card for the Federation. There is an annual fee with accumulated points available to help provinces with competitor travel. Do the points collected off-set the annual fee? Should we use the card as much as possible to collect more points?ACTION #2: Track this year’s FCMF expenses paid by VISA credit card as a test to study whether the cost of the card is covered by thevalue of the points earned. • It was noted that Air Mile points are accumulating and should be used soon before they expire.ACTION #3: Use expiring Air Miles points for fall Executive Meeting travel. • Website - Executive looking at alternatives to lower website maintenance costs. • Cost of Ottawa venues can be reduced from $27,000 to $5,500 if all local and provincial festivals include a University of Ottawa ad in their program. There was unanimous consent from delegates that this initiative should be undertaken. The University of Ottawa will prepare the ads in various sizes.ACTION #4: – That the Executive Director send the University of Ottawa ads to Provincial Administrators to distribute to their locals, asquickly as possible. d. NOTICE OF MOTION: AFFILIATION FEE INCREASE - [submitted by Norma Jean Atkinson]Whereas: the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals will soon be without its current fundraiser and,Whereas: some donors have already expressed an intent to withdraw their financial support and,Whereas: financial resources available in many areas of the country and in many corporations is dwindling:Therefore: BE IT RESOLVED that: affiliation fees be increased by $0.75 per music entry for a three year period beginning with the levycalculated on the statistical reports for the 2017 local festivals.Discussion: • It was clarified that the proposal is one $0.75 raise with no further raise for at least three years • This increase would result in $90,000 extra revenue per year which could be used to: o build cushion in reserve fund o enable FCMF to add value by extending competitor time with adjudicator • Since awards are approximately $40,000, would this increase result in eliminating the fund-raiser position? Would the revenues be used to cover partial competitor expenses again? • Concern expressed that many festivals [large and small] are struggling and this increase is not affordable and would force them to withdraw from the federation.MOTION #7: That the Notice of Motion to raise affiliation fees by $0.75 as presented above be accepted. Norma Jean Atkinson/RJChambers. Defeated.The affiliation fees remain at $0.90 per entry for the 2017 budget. e. History of Gain/LossAnnually To Date2004 $ -91 -912005 $ +10,749 +10,6582006 $ -1,545 9,1132007 $ +6,070 15,8132008 $ -13,631 1,5522009 $ -18,439 -16,8872010 $ -54,705 -71,5922011 $ +17,852 -53,7402012 $ +1,797 -35,7692013 $ +1,685 -34,084 15
Federation of Canadian Music Festivals2014 $ +26,925 - 7,1592015 $ +11,074 + 3,915Net Gain/Loss +3915 f. Appointment of the auditorMOTION #8: That FCMF appoint Heather Robinson [Key Financial Group] as the auditor for the fiscal year ending 31 October 2016.Leslie Walters/Sue Reedman. Carried. g. Adoption of the budgetThe second draft of the 2016-2017 budget reflecting the suggested revisions and motions passed was presented and reviewed onWednesday.MOTION #9: That the 2nd draft of the proposed budget for 2017 be accepted. Leslie Walters/Steven Fielder. Carried.PRESENTATIONSCANADIAN MUSIC FESTIVAL ADJUDICATORS’ ASSOCIATIONMel Hurst, President of CMFAA presented the following report:Thank you for the opportunity to speak at your AGM. We appreciate being included on the Agenda.I would like to bring you up-to-date on the directions we are taking in the Association.1. Executive: John Hanson, Acadia U. Nova Scotia - Past President Mel Hurst, Toronto – President melvinhurst@gmail.com Gregory Butler, Windsor – Vice President, Membership Greg Caisley, Vancouver – Secretary Ireneus Zuk, Queen’s U. – Treasurer Sheri Wilson, Queen’s U. – Registrar [Ex officio] sheriwilson48@gmail.com2. Web-site: CMFAA has a new web-site, as of last year. I hope you have all seen it, and hopefully, used it! We are in Phase III of itsdevelopment. Dues can now be paid on-line using PayPal. Phase IV will include our ongoing improvement to the membership profile byadding a members on-line picture and, if they have a web-site, a corresponding link will be available. Fourteen Festivals have up-datedtheir info using the ‘online update Form”. I would encourage you to access this service.3. Directory: Although anyone can access the site, the Password to enter the Directory is cmfdir18. We are currently trying to achieveparity in the length of each profile! They should be limited to 80 words. A new hardcopy of the Directory was printed last year, and is available to any Festival upon request. An email to our Registrar will getyou a hardcopy! We did mail a copy to each Festival for whom we had an address.4. New Members: [ie new Adjudicators on the roster] There are approximately 70 new adjudicators on our roster over the last fiveyears! They come with excellent academic qualifications and truly superb recommendations from at least three different Festivals. Weuse a standard Evaluation Form to create a level playing field for all applicants. Applications are now handled on-line. Thank you to allwho have helped in this process by completing the Form. Your response is totally confidential, and is seen only by the Vice-President.Our total membership is 192 adjudicators.5. Mentorship Program: After much discussion over several years, the Executive has decided to work towards a mentorship program.This program will be instituted with new members as part of their application to join CMFAA as of September 1, 2016. Prospectivemembers who have their applications underway but who have not yet been approved for membership will be strongly recommendedto take the mentorship courses. The executive agrees that having a mentorship program would be helpful for all adjudicators, but atthis time it is not feasible to create for current members.New members will be expected to join a senior adjudicator for a day at a music festival. This will give all new members clear ideas ontechniques of adjudication, understanding the code of conduct, the philosophy of the festival, and the organization’s expectations.The workshops will be based on interest, and geographic need, and could happen as early as Fall 2016. Greg Butler will draw upworkshop evaluation questions for these sessions. He will also draw up questions for the senior adjudicator to discuss with applicantsshould they choose to spend a day with an adjudicator. 16
Digest Report 20166. Awards: The CMFAA is giving a total of $7,000.00 to the National Festival this year. • For 2017 we will continue to offer the First Prize in the Chamber Music category in the amount of $1,500.00 • For 2017 we will continue to offer the Provincial Award of $500.00 to assist travel of competitors to Nationals, for a total of $5,000.00 • For 2017 we will continue to offer the Piano Duet Prize of $500.00 • Note: We are looking at procedures to possibly change the allocation of the $5,000.00 for the 2018 Festival.7. New Initiatives: Finding the Duet Capital of Canada! The CMFAA has initiated the Duet Challenge this year, with an annual award of$500.00. This Prize has generated a good deal of interest, with increased correspondence with Festivals across the country.There were 22 Entries this spring, from across Canada. The winning Festival this year is the Norfolk Musical Arts Festival of Simcoe,Ontario. They had 154 entries, of which 26 were duets.Note from the Minutes: The Executive believes that Duet playing is highly desirable, and therefore the executive is starting the “DuetChallenge” Festival Scholarship. The “Duet Prize” will be awarded, starting in 2016, to the Music Festival with the highest percentageof duet entries relative to the total number of piano solo entries in that festival. The prize will be $500 per year to be presented to thewinning festival, which will then be able to offer as a Scholarship the following festival season. Each festival can submit their numbersto the CMFAA through our website beginning after the festival season in 2016. The executive has made a special webpage available onour website regarding this.8. Code of Conduct: Festival Administrators from across the country have spoken to me in confidence, about various concerns theyhave had re adjudicators. I have brought these concerns to the Executive, resulting in several additions to our Code of Conduct.The Executive feels it is time to update the Member’s code of conduct to deal with the growing importance of social media, so that thefollowing will be added to the Code of Conduct: Code of Conduct [update 8]Adjudicators should never use social media to discuss music festivals or any performer/ performance. Furthermore, they should not postpictures of any students involved in festivals.Clarification of Conduct - guidelines regarding the sanctioning of adjudicators failing to maintain professional standards at all times. Addendum to 7Adjudicators must be professional in all dealings with music festival committees. In addition, they need an excellent ability tocommunicate in the spoken language of the festival. Membership should never use profanity in their adjudications.Note:By applying and being a member of the CMFAA, you agree to uphold the code of ethics of the organization, or risk sanctions.9. Reminder:- The Executive feels there two factors critical to the development of young musicians. One is Sight-Reading and the other is QuickStudy. These two classes add interest and stimulus to a Festival. We recommend that these two classes be included in a Festival,wherever possible.When these are included, two parameters are suggested:-We are recommending that the Quick Study class should only be a 24 hours study, and without teacher intervention.- We recommend that participation in any combination of Sight-reading or Quick study classes be a prerequisite of senior studentsbeing able to receive scholarships in local festivals.10. Adjudication Fees: The executive is concerned about the challenges that adjudicators have in maintaining their professionalstandards, as well as with the loss of regular pay, schedules of teaching being changed/cancelled, travel days to and from, not tomention the expense of comparable expertise in other areas, and no increase for several years, [I believe seven or eight years] thefollowing motion was passed:Motion: That adjudicator’s fees be increased from $300 per day to $400 per day effective the beginning of the music festival seasonin 2017. Further, that a working day might consist of 1, 2, or 3 sessions, and that there would be no partial payment days [to allowadjudicators to be compensated for travel time]. Finally, the CMFAA is not changing the existing guideline that states that adjudicatorswould be given no more than 5 sessions in a row without a break. Moved by Mel Hurst, Seconded unanimously.Assistance: If there are ways that CMFAA could be more relevant, useful or helpful to the festival committee at the local level, pleasecontact us, and let us know!Respectfully submitted,Mel Hurst, President CMFAA 17
Federation of Canadian Music FestivalsREPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEESEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE a. Life MembershipMOTION #10: that Gloria Nickell be granted Life Membership. Pam Allen/Rhéal Fournier. Carried.MOTION #11: that Dianne Johnstone be granted the honour of ‘Founder of the Federation’ status in recognition of her significantcontributions to FCMF. Pam Allen/Beth Cook. Carried. b. Creation of new positionDelegates accepted the president’s request for an addition to the agenda. Jerry then presented the following on behalf of the ExecutiveCommittee:WHEREAS:Dianne Johnstone is retiring from the fund Raiser position, and the Federation needs to ensure the continuity of those duties, theExecutive Committee recommends a new position be created to include all the responsibilities of the Executive Director, the maintenanceof the current donor list, and the duties of the office assistant. All responsibilities are detailed in the Policy and Procedure Manual,which is subject to annual revision.Salary range: $30,000 to $35,000 annually.We thank all of these ladies for their dedication, hard work, and excellent service in their roles. All three of these ladies are invited toapply for the new position, along with other qualified applicants. Duties will begin November 1, 2016.Discussion: • Proposed salary is combination of the current pay for the three positions combined; range allows for flexibility depending on experience of the person hired. • The proposal is about what FCMF needs administratively, not personalities. • Having the administrative position maintain current donor database provides stability in transition during search for a new fundraiser. • Does not preclude continuing with search for fundraiser. • Concern about Fundraising salary used without having it available for a new fundraiser that would be responsible for finding new donors. • Some felt the concept needs to be better prepared and costed out. • Do we want an Executive Director that oversees all the operations of the federation or an Office Administrator? o Current ED job description is more consistent with those of an Office Administrator. o Going to Office Administrator would require By-law changes. • Should we get legal advice for the contract?Discussion was tabled for a day to give delegates opportunity to think and discuss this new proposal.MOTION #12: To accept the creation of a new administrative position as outlined above. Robin Norman/RJ Chambers. Carried.A Secret Ballot was held. Dianne Johnstone and RJ Chambers were appointed as scrutineers.Ballots were destroyed.Going forward: • Deadline for applications – September 23 with a start date of November 1. • The position will be advertised through Provincial Administrators to local festivals. • The personnel committee will be the hiring committee.MOTION #13: That the Personnel Committee be the Hiring Committee as mandated in the draft Policy & Procedure Manual.This committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, and one other member of the Executive Committee, appointed by thePresident.The responsibilities of this committee are the following: to create job descriptions, performance standards, and evaluation forms forthe contracted employees, to conduct the hiring of staff, and periodically review and revise, if necessary, the Policy and Procedures 18
Digest Report 2016Manual.Sue Reedman/Sue Belleperche. Carried. • Discussion that the Executive Committee by responsible for determining job description and contract details. • The newly created position will be evaluated at the next AGM.SYLLABUS COMMITTEE – Carol Donhauser a. Percussion ClassNOTICE OF MOTION: PERCUSSION REQUIREMENTS - [Submitted by Carol Donhauser for Syllabus Committee]Notice of Motion Regarding PercussionBelow is a Notice of Motion for changes to the Syllabus [Percussion - Provincial and National level only]. These changes were broughtto me by our percussion Prof. [Darrell Bueckert] at the U of S, reviewed by New Brunswick percussion teachers [2], and Bill Gordon[Manitoba] who was on my Syllabus committee last year.Provincial FestivalCompetitors must perform two selections. This deletes the requirement of a multi-movement selection. 1. One work for Keyboard Percussion [eg. marimba, vibraphone, xylophone] 2. One work for Timpani or Multi-percussion or Snare DrumNational FestivalCompetitors must perform three selections, works must include:1. One work for Keyboard Percussion [eg. marimba, vibraphone, xylophone]2. One work for Timpani or Multi-percussion or Snare Drum3. One own choiceFor multi-instrument works and snare drum, memorization is encouraged but not required. All other works must be memorized.Rationale: At the provincial level, competitors are required to play TWO selections, and must include works on ‘Marimba’ and on‘Timpani or Snare Drum’, yet note #2 says that one of them has to be a multi-percussion work. This can’t really work because multi-percussion is actually another instrument category like marimba, timpani or snare drum. Some multi-percussion pieces may includemarimba, some may include timpani and some may include snare drum, but the current wording almost eliminates the possibilityof performing on marimba AND timpani, as the requirements suggest. Competitors will end up having to play “marimba and multi-percussion” or “timpani and multi-percussion” because there are very few multi-percussion works that include marimba or timpani. Agreater percentage of multi-percussion works do include snare drum.It seems as if we may be mistaking the multi-percussion [an instrument category] for multi-movement [a composition category]. Youcan ask for a marimba piece that is ‘multi-movement’ but it is silly to ask for a marimba piece that is ‘multi-percussion’.The winning Percussionist at nationals should be the one to show greatest proficiency on ‘Marimba’ [or other keyboard percussion]AND ‘Timpani’ AND ‘Multi-percussion or Snare Drum’. They could demonstrate ONE of these at the local level, TWO at the provinciallevel, and all THREE at the national level, but it is very confusing to say that one of the national level pieces should be multi-percussionwithout mentioning that one should also be marimba and one should also be timpani.MOTION #14: To accept the Notice of Motion regarding Percussion classes. Robin Norman/Sherry Sproule. Carried.ACTION #5: To change percussion entry process from DVD to MP4 or YouTube submission.There was discussion about allowing a clip of the 1st place percussion video be included in the Grand Award Competition. • They would be at a disadvantage against live performers but they wouldn’t be excluded. • Would involve additional expense of hiring a percussion specialist for the GAC.No change will be made in the current rule on the issue. b. Musical Theatre ClassNOTICE OF MOTION: to amend class 9 musical theatre syllabus to clarify that the time periods refer to the whole musical — notmerely the excerpted selection - [Submitted by Robin Norman]CLASS 9 – MUSICAL THEATRE SOLO, ANY VOICEAll selections are to be sung from a published score, in any published key [no transposition], of a staged musical and be gender/voice 19
Federation of Canadian Music Festivalstype appropriate. Competitors may use: costumes, one [1] hand prop per selection [a table, chair, and coat rack is provided]. Spokenpassages are allowed only if published in the script/score provided. The original copy can be the Broadway score, from an Anthology,or purchased online. Proof of purchase must be shown for all online purchases. Please note: the time periods stated should representthe period in which the musical was published, not the individual piece. After discussion, the Notice of Motion was WITHDRAWN.NOTICE OF MOTION: to remove any reference to gender or age from the class 9 musical theatre syllabus. - [Submitted by RobinNorman]CLASS 9 – MUSICAL THEATRE SOLO, ANY VOICEAll selections are to be sung from a published score, in any published key [no transposition] of a staged musical. Competitors may use:costumes, one [1] hand prop per selection [a table, chair, and coat rack is provided]. Spoken passages are allowed only if published inthe script/score provided. The original copy can be the Broadway score, from an Anthology, or purchased online. Proof of purchasemust be shown for all online purchases.MOTION #15: that the requirements be changed to read, “… in any published key [no transposition] of a staged musical and be genderidentification appropriate”. Students would need to be consistent in their gender identification through all their performances. RobinNorman/Sue Belleperche. Carried.FUNDRAISER REPORT:It certainly has been an interesting year as the fundraiser! The downturn in the economy touched many businesses which in turntouched our festivals. Alberta as the host for this year’s National Festival not only suffered the energy sectors job loss but also thecatastrophic Fort Mac Murray fire has definitely affected our donations.For the first time in many years not all of our prizes had a sponsor and our donations to the Celebration were down. We were fortunateto be able to take money from the Celebration money to cover the prizes.The $45 Celebration Fund brought in roughly $4,820 dollars which was down from last year, approximately $2,500 of this was used tocover the shortfall of sponsorship of the awards.A total of $35,800 was donated to the prizes. Lloyd Carr Harris continued to sponsor $10,000 towards adjudicator’s fees. A total of $250was donated to the general operating fund and $100 toward the trust fund.In 2012 I mentioned I would retire in 2015 but as Alberta was hosting in 2015 and 2016 I decided to stay on as fundraiser. I gaveconsiderable thought to the position I have held since I started to fundraise which was in 2002. I have thoroughly enjoyed my timewith this organization and am proud of the fact that since 2002 I have brought in roughly $900,000 dollars and probably another$100,000 in gift in kind donations. I know there are many people who are upset by the fact a corporate sponsor was not found butI was not a professional fundraiser and just started doing this because I had a passion for the National Music Festival and the giftedyoung musicians of this country! I focused on award money and other expenses such as costs for sponsored events such as receptions,venues, bussing and whatever else we needed.Although I still have the passion for the Festival Movement I feel it is time to pass on the torch and let someone else have theopportunity to try their hand at it. I have not completely left the Festival Movement as I will still work for the Alberta Music Festival.I have made wonderful friends over the years not only with executive and donors but I have made lasting friendships also with someof the competitors. I would like to thank all the donors for their support during my term.I would also like to thank FCMF for enriching my life by giving me this opportunity. I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this journeyand wish all the best to the future of FCMF.Dianne JohnstoneREPORTS OF AD HOC COMMITTEESDACAPO COMMITTEEHeilwig Koenigsloew presented a summary of the committee’s discussions throughout the year. a. Governance Model Proposal – the following was submitted as a Notice of Motion of By-Law change, but the Committee preferred to present it as a proposed governance model. Additions to the proposal appear in red.1. Proposed Governance Model[Submitted by the DaCapo Committee with amendments noted in red for clarification] The ammended version appears below. 20
Digest Report 2016 - FEDERATION of Canadian Music Festivals FÉDÉRATION canadienne des festivals de musique - FCMF (2024)


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