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Education is the Golden Key

A Lecture by

Her Royal Highness

Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

At the American International Club of GenevaOn December 14, 2005

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Education is the Golden Key

A Lecture by

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

At the American International Club of Geneva

On December 14, 2005

Thank you very much for the invitation. I have just arrivedfrom a very warm country. I am here in a very cool weather,but it is compensated by a very warm welcome. I would liketo apologize for my English. I hope that you can understandsome of my talk on the topic given to me by Mr. Peterschmitt.*

At first, he had suggested a longer title, Boosting Effect ofEducation in Strengthening Asian Position in the World.I think it is interesting, but it may be more difficult to talkabout, since Asia is very heterogeneous. There are manycountries that are quite different from one another. Asia isquite big to try to find the picture of Asian education.

* Mr. Jean-Claude Peterschmitt, Chairman of the Refugee Education Trust(RET) in Geneva

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I live in Thailand and have traveled to the neighboringcountries. I have been to India, but I have never been toBhutan. I have been to many countries including the Asianpart of Russia. I have been to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,but not yet to other Central Asian countries. I have neverbeen to Afghanistan, and not yet to Kirgystan. So, I can talkabout some countries outside Thailand, but I should focusmore on Thailand as a country in Asia.

Thailand itself varies from one area to another. The Northernpart is in fact the most difficult part to work in, because of themountains. It cannot be compared with Swiss mountains.Sometimes in the rainy season, it is like skiing down theslopes. If you want to climb up, you fall back down in themud. So the access is not easy year round. In the NorthEastern part, it again has some mountains and there is a wholerange of mountains there. In the Southern part we have someforests and mountains as well, we have some difficulties.So, to deal with education for the whole country is not easy.

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Asian Values in Education

If we want to talk about the thinking of the Asian people,I would like to mention the two big countries in Asia, Indiaand China. The civilizations of these two countries are veryancient. They may be more than 2,000-5,000 years old.People in China and India always talk about the value ofeducation.

Asian people value education highly.● You should learn when youûre young to be able to

earn money when you grow up.

● When there is an opportunity to learn you shouldlearn as much as you can. If you are in anytrouble, only knowledge can help you. You shouldnot think you are from a noble family, for life is notcertain, there can be big changes anytime.

● If you have even one kind of knowledge, if youknow it well, it will give yourself much benefit.

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I would like to show you some poems I learned since I was alittle kid in school. These are translated from the Thai poems.*Our Asian people think that education is the process oftransferring of knowledge from one generation to another.If we learn a lot, we can make a lot of money when we growup. We can work better by using our knowledge. Knowledgeis just like money, and that is why we have to learn.My teacher said that you should not think that you area princess or a rich person, because you do not know whatwill happen in the future. But if you have knowledge, theknowledge can help you till the end.

● To gain knowledge is to practise. If you do notseek experiences and learn only from text book,you will get only superficial knowledge becauseyou do not have a hands-on knowledge.Nevertheless if you only do the practical work anddo not study the texts, you will not be able tounderstand the essence of the theories and willbe caught only in your own narrow views.

● Among all the properties, knowledge is mostvaluable because no one can ever snatch it awayfrom you. It cannot be bought and cannot besold. It is an indestructible treasure.

* See statements in the box on p.5.

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The first statement is translated from a Chinese poem.*I found it very interesting. It is an old poem talking abouttwo kinds of education, practical and theoretical. If you haveonly theoretical knowledge from books, you cannot do thework because you need experience. But if you have onlyexperience, the experience of your generation or that of yourown alone is not sufficient. So you should learn from otherpeopleûs ideas as well as from books or texts. It says that ifyou learn only from your own experience, you will get caughtin your own narrow view and go nowhere.

The second statement is from India.* I translated it intoEnglish from Thai for my own interest. So, it might not begood English, but it is about the importance of knowledge,something like an inner property, that no one can take it awayfrom you.

Goals of Education

In summary, those sayings indicate that the goal of educationis knowledge transfer. When you learn something from otherpeople or from your ancestors, you can make use of thatknowledge, but the knowledge of just one generation mightnot be enough.

If you have good education, it is a good thing because it helpsmaintain your socio-economic status. It also plays animportant role in social mobility. Although your parents arepoor, but if you have access to good education, you can have

* See statements in the box on p.6.

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prestigious work and positions. You can gain respect fromothers and enjoy the good result of education.

One important part of education is to help a person realize theimportance of virtues and righteousness, so that you will notcommit wrongdoings. If you are mindful and well educated,you will not do silly things. You should do only good deedsand have good conscience to serve your community andcountry. This is the expectation of good education. It isintellectual development and mental exercise.

A moment ago, I discussed with Mr. Risch* about the studyof Sanskrit. His wife studies Sanskrit and other classicallanguages. My father sees the importance of this too.So when I said I would like to study French because I wastired of practising the piano, he said, çOh yes, you can butyou have to study Latin firsté. So, I had taken Latin for ayear, and then he allowed me to study French. Then, when Itook Pali and Sanskrit, he said, çIf you donût have enoughtime, you can drop Latiné. This does not mean that Latin isnot interesting, but he wanted me to study languages withdeclensions and conjugations. It helps me exercise my brain.

* Mr. James H. Risch, President of the American International Club

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Brief History and Some Comments on Asian Education

In ancient time, Thai education, knowledge and skills werehanded down in family line, from one generation to the next.Sometimes some people kept their knowledge as a secret, theytold it only to the members of their families. If my father wasa fisherman, I would see him going out fishing everyday, andI wanted to be a fisherman like him one day because I knewthe art of fishing. Later on, one might search for the teacherselsewhere. If he knew that there were good teachers living inthe city, he would try to ask the teachers to accept him astheir student. This was the way one was educated in Asia, notonly in Thailand.

Another important way to get education is through religiouseducation. It is still the case in Asia. We have Buddhisttemples, Christian churches, both Protestant and Catholic, andMuslim schools. The Christian missionaries came to Thailandand other Asian countries and set up schools for Christians aswell as Buddhists or anyone who want good education.Sometimes they send bright students to the USA and Europe.The Muslim schools are the places where a lot of subjects, notonly religious education, are taught. At present, in Thailandwe have many of those schools, both small and big. I havehad an opportunity to cooperate with some of those schools.There are temple schools mainly for boys and not for girls.

I have just been to Cambodia to inaugurate a high school thatI built in cooperation with the Cambodian Government.

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The Cambodian Prime Minister told me that when he wasyoung, he was quite poor. He needed to have good education.So, he came to the city and stayed in a temple because he hadno house there. That was how he was educated. It is goodthat today he becomes the Prime Minister.

When my grandmother was little, the monks set up a schoolfor girls in the temple. It was a day school, not a boardingschool, giving an opportunity for girls to study. When mygreat grandfather started to modernize the country byreforming the government, it was more than one hundredyears ago. At that time there were only 10 ministries. Nowwe have many new ministries because life nowadays haschanged a lot since those days. At that time, we had to hireexperts in various subject areas from Europe and the USA, forexample, medical doctors, lawyers mainly from Harvard LawSchool, train and road engineers and engineers in other fields.

He sent some students, including his own sons and otherpeople, mostly boys, to Europe, the USA and Japan. Someofficials were sent on study tours to study things they weredoing in Switzerland, the USA and Japan. They also studiedhow education was arranged or managed. Then, he set up thegovernment schools and the university. In the beginning, theuniversity he set up had small schools like School ofEngineering and School of Law. Later a half brother of mygrandfather became King Rama VI and set up the firstuniversity by joining those administrative schools into one.

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The first aim was to build up human resource to fill up allpositions in the governmental organizations. Later on,education is for the benefit of everyone. You can be abusinessman or have any job you like.

Higher Education: From the Age of Imperialism to


If we talk about higher education, it started in Asia at the timethat we called ùthe Age of Imperialismû. The Asian attitude atthat time, not only in Thailand but also in other countries likeJapan and China, was that the people from the West thoughtof the Asians as underdeveloped people. There was nostandard that could be used to compare. So if we couldarrange our administrative process and other aspects of lifeaccording to the standards that could be understood by peoplein the West, it might be better. There were a lot of things tobe changed, and it was better to change, even if there was nopressure from territorialism. So we had higher education formanpower development.

This was the period of rapid change, like globalization of ourtime today. It was the scheme that affected every country,which was not self-sufficient in everything. When I was inschool, I learned about the two conflicting ideas, one is thatwe share things and depend on one another. If one is good atrice growing, he does rice growing. If other is good atworking in the dairy farm, he has dairy products to exchange.We are not good in dairy farming in Thailand so we shouldbuy the products from others. Now, it is not that simple.

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This exchange may not be possible. So one should try to beself-sufficient.

Now intellectual property is a hot issue. So we, Asian people,should try to be aware of this too. We cannot do this withouthigher education. That is why people said that we shouldcommit more to science and technology. We have to beinterested not only in applied science and engineering, but alsoin basic science. In fact, we should be careful about theculture part, the humanity and also the social sciences.

To promote research in higher education is to promoteresearch cooperation among all organizations and agencies atthe universities and also the research agencies, for example, inThailand we have so many agencies, for example, centers forinformatics, computer and electronics, biotechnology andbioscience. We should cooperate not only among thegovernmental agencies, but also with corporates or companiesin countries all over the world including here in Switzerland.

A moment ago I talked about the recovery work after thetsunami. We have helped the tsunami victims by providingthem with their livelihood. They are fishing people, so wegave them fishing boats. But it is not possible now to go outand cut the trees to make that number of boats out of wood.So, we have to find other materials like artificial fibers. Inthis case, material scientists can play an important role tomake materials that can imitate wood, and we are quitesuccessful in helping the tsunami victims by this process.

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Nanotechnology Center is a new center in Thailand, andwe cooperate with the companies. The center cooperateswith some of the R&D departments of some companies.For example, we produce microchips for a European companythat makes medical equipments, and the company helps usdevelop the products.

We also have academic relations with academic and researchinstitutions in Asia and also elsewhere. One moment ago,Mr. Spencer* talked about Webster University that hascampuses in many European countries and also in Thailand.In Southeast Asia, we can work together on many projects ofcommon interests, for example, the Mae Khong River Project.I just came back from India, and I got this newspaper,reporting that the Indian Prime Minister was talking about anew university at the summit of the South Asia. They aregoing to establish a new university for the study of newtechnologies, especially those that are important for the economyof the Region and for the humanity side as well.

I will come back to talk about my grandfather. At first, hestudied in a high school in the UK, and later he came toGermany to attend the Naval Academy before the first WorldWar. When he graduated from there, he went back toThailand, but he did not like to be in the Navy. So he wentto the USA and studied at Harvard Public Health and Medical

* Mr. Robert Spencer, 2001-2002 President of the American InternationalClub and current Speakers Chair

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School. He came back and set up the medical school inThailand with some cooperation with the RockefellerFoundation. My grandmother also studied nursing in theUSA. She returned to Thailand and played an important rolein the education of Thai nurses.

The Anandamahidol Foundation was founded 50 years ago.The first recipients of the scholarships have done a great dealof work. The first one used to be the President of myuniversity, Chulalongkorn University, the first university in thecountry. There were a lot of doctors who got the scholarships.Now there are 8 disciplines. We choose the best students inall disciplines to study for masterûs and doctoral degrees abroad,because we want them to be exposed to scholars overseas ofthe same discipline. So, they have friends and are exposed togood teachers in Europe and the USA. In this way they canbenefit from knowing and working with top scholars. Whenthese people from all disciplines come back to Thailand, theycan come together and work together. Now it is the age ofinterdisciplinary approach and integrated study. I found outthat people from many disciplines are doing the same kind ofresearch. Nowadays it is very difficult to distinguish onesubject from another.

My father also set up a school for administration. At first hewould like to send hundreds of students to the USA, but hewas advised that perhaps it was better to set up a school in thecountry and invited the professors from outside to come over.

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It is important to have programs that support highly talentedstudents to give them opportunities to become researchers andto create original work. Nevertheless for average children, fora person like me, who are not genius, they too should have achance to have higher education. If I do not have goodeducation, I cannot help much. I think that average childrenare the majority of the population, and my work in educationhas been focused on them.

One thing that I would like to talk about is the language skill.Now it is not enough to know only Thai or only nativelanguage. If we know more languages, we can get involvewith more people all over the world. We also have a chanceof reading more materials and learning more, especially fromthe Internet. Of course, we have a lot of Thai websites, butthere are more websites in English language. As there is atranslation mechanism from English to Thai, it is still not verygood. The translation among European languages is morereadily available. I notice that we are still not very good inmaking a voice command in Thai language. If we have avoice command available, we should be able to speak and thecomputer types the voices into words. At the moment if wespeak Thai, we can do only some, but not all. We have to setup a new laboratory to do some of the work. Now thecompanies that produce equipments just send their latestproducts to the universities in Asia. In fact they should worktogether to test the equipments. Before I came here, I went toa conference on Asian Digital Library. Now we try to findthe way to share information all over the world.

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Asian Position in the World and Cooperation Among


Result of TIMSS 2003 : Mathematics achievement ofGrade 8 students

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The two graphs show comparisons of the two international testresults of mathematics among the countries all over the world.The results showed that some Asian countries did quite well.Thai students were at about the average, but Singaporeanstudents were among the upper groups. I hope that Asia can bequite competitive or be in a good position in the future. I hopethe results will be better and better year by year.

Result of PISA 2003 : Mathematics skills of15-year-old students

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Source: IMD (2005). p.5.

The 2005 World Competitiveness Scoreboard

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This is the 2005 World Competitiveness Scoreboard. Among60 countries, Thailand ranked the 27 th, and Malaysia the 28 th.

There are more and more research cooperation among theuniversities in Thailand and overseas. We can have jointdegree programs in which students study 1-2 years inThailand and another 2 years in, for example, Switzerland.We arrange conferences in which people from all over theworld can come together. We try to have as frequent visits aswe can, sending some people to visit schools and universitieshere and there. All is to expose ourselves to the world.

Talented Programs

There are many programs for talented students in Thailand.At first, I was not very interested in talented students. I justworked with average students as I told you before. But in fact,if you want to be in the phase of excellence, you need to takea shortcut. The Anandamahidol Foundation that I talked aboutbefore is to support the brightest students to further theireducation in top universities abroad.

Early this year, I went to Kazakhstan. This is a very richcountry now because they have oil. It is like a tug-of-war.China, Russia, Europe and the EU all want to use oil, andKazakhstan has a lot of oil. So, they get a lot of money fromoil. I have an opportunity to listen to the view of a minister.He said that the country got a lot of money, but theywould not use it to buy more cars. They would support

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students to study in engineering, management, and alldisciplines in order to come back and to manage thecompanies themselves. In this way, they can be sustainableand survive as a country.

I have another activity that I have been doing since 1992.In that year when Thailand celebrated the 100 th Anniversaryof the Birth of Prince Mahidol, my grandfather, who diedwhen he was 38 years old, we set up Prince MahidolAward Foundation. In fact, it was not my initiative, but asone member of the family I have to work for this foundation.Every year we try to select a doctor or a person who hascontributed good work in medicine and public health to theworld, one award in medicine and one in public healthsince 1992. We have an international committee of manyprestigious people from all over the world. The recipients ofthe awards are very outstanding. One person awarded byus in 2001 has been awarded the Nobel Prize of this year.The good part for us is that we also get technology transferfrom these outstanding people and the international committeemembers, who are willing to help upgrade Thai public healthand medical education.

Education for All: Equal Opportunity and Broader

Education Base

This is the part that in fact I work more on. I have beenworking with people who have special needs, or are disabled.Schools in rural areas have the problem of distance, water

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supply, food, nutrition, health, places to stay, and educationof the people of ethnic groups. They also have languageproblem.

I work with prison inmates, people who committed crimes andhave to be in jail for a long time. Now they have anopportunity to study in jail. Some of them got 5 degreesalready and still have plenty of years to serve. They have achance of getting knowledge. I have set up the libraries in theprisons and helped them set up computer classes. They cannow work and earn some money, but they are not allowed tobe on-line.

The sick children in the hospitals should also have a chance tostudy. Of course, when you help the disadvantaged groups,it would be slower than supporting talented students. We shouldhave a broader base of education in the country, and I thinkthis is healthy for the country.

We have ICT libraries, laboratories, and distance learning forthe people in the remote areas. Sometimes we ask peoplewho get only high school education to be teachers in the ruralareas. Normally, the Ministry of Education recruits only thosewho have at least bachelor degrees to be teachers, but thisdoes not work in some rural places with ethnic people.For the high school graduate teachers who have taught well,we have given them an opportunity to earn the bachelorûsdegrees by studying in the distance education program sentfrom Bangkok or other cities. We do teacher training bythis means.

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I recently attended the UNESCO High Level Group Meetingon Education for All. From the assessment, there are stillabout 100 million of school age children not enrolled, and55% are girls. There are many problems that they cited, forexample, the problem of fees and tuitions, which are too high,the problem of not enough teachers, and that of dropouts.Thailand has made a lot of progress, for example, 2 years agowe had around 96% of literacy, which is not bad if we countthe people in the rural areas, who have to walk for hours to goto schools.

Funding for Education

The last thing I would like to talk about is the funding.We get the funding from the government. There is criticismof the Thai government spending too little proportion of itsbudget on education, i.e., just only 3-4% of GDP. In fact,the education part is in every ministry. So, in all, it may bemore than that.

Schools have to try to get more money for themselves.They have many activities, even marathon running or playingmusic to get the money for education. It sounds veryawkward, but this is the way schools get the money.

We also get donation from foundations, overseas foundationsand individuals within and outside the country. I can citean example. There were stewards and air-hostesses of the

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Thai Airways International, not the Thai Airways InternationalPublic Company, but just its employees. They donated moneyto build a school. They went to this school themselves andhad to walk 12 hours to get there. Some people knew abouta place that need a school by networking and also got toknow each other through the chat room of the website andagreed to go together to build the school. There are peoplelike these too.

We can also get money for education by direct investment.Some organizations have factories. They can have productsand shops to sell the products to get the money for education.Some may invest the money in stock markets or bonds.But there is limitation according to the law of each country.Sometimes we are not allowed to do any investment in onecountry, but we can do so in another country.

Companies help us as well. They donate their own productsand their income for building schools and funding research.We also get grants and loans from international organizations,such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank andso on. There are research funding agencies in the countryand overseas. To apply for the funding, we should be able towrite project proposals and progress reports. In the beginning,I did not get much money, because it was very slow for meand my friends to write proposals in English.

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In conclusion, there are some arguments whether we shoulddo more on higher education or the grass root education,because higher education is very expensive. To fund oneperson to get a Ph.D., we can spend the same amount to builda hundred schools in the rural areas. It is the problem of howto choose. We should focus on how to do this.

It has a çtrigger-downé effect. Those who are in the researchcenters can help the grass root education, for example, when Iwork on the health and nutrition program, I need some friendsfrom the universities to help me. We just discussed about aprofessor in the USA, who likes to invent things. He mustfind the people who want to use his products. I work with thepeople on the problem-based basis. I find the people whoneed help, and I must find the way to help them. So, we needto cooperate with the rest of the world. There is always amutual benefit from cooperation, for example, when auniversity in the USA admits students from a poor country inAsia, and if the university develops them well, they will havethe best minds from all over the world working for thedeveloped country as well.

Asia is a big continent. So, we should help one another andshare benefits among the citizens of the same country as wellas other Asian countries. This is the problem that I have beenasked to talk about, but I am not sure whether my talk cananswer the question. Thank you very much.

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References :

IMD. 2005. World Competitive Yearbook 2005 . Lausanne,

Switzerland, IMD.

Mullis, I.V.S., M.O. Martin, E.J. Gonzalez and S.J. Chrostowski.

2004. TIMSS 2003 International Mathematics Report:

Findings from IEAûs Trends in Mathematics and Science

Study at the Fourth and Eighth Grades. Chestnut Hill, Mass.,

Boston College.

OECD. 2004. Learning for Tomorrowûs World: First Results from

PISA 2003. Paris, OECD.

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379.593 Office of the Education CouncilEducation is the Golden Key/ Debaratanarajasuda,Sirindhorn. Bangkok: 2006.27 p., illus. and figuresISBN 974-559-911-51. Education2. Debaratanarajasuda, SirindhornI Title

OEC Publication : No. 51/2006

Published by :Bureau of Education Policy and Planning,Office of the Education Council99/20 Sukhothai Road, Bangkok 10300 ,ThailandTel: (662) 668-7123 ext. 2415Fax: (662) 243-2787Website:

Printed by : Prigwan Graphic Co., Ltd.90/6 Soi Jaransanitwong 34/1Jaransanitwong Road, Arunamarin,Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700Tel./Fax. (662) 424-3249, (662) 424-3252

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The American International Club (AIC) of Geneva invitedHer Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn toaddress the club members on December 14, 2005. The topicof the Royal Address was Education is the Golden Key.

In this regard, Her Royal Highness succeeded in conveying asignificant message on the roles of education to the audience.

At the beginning of Her address, Her Royal Highness touchedon the Asian values in education, citing in particular theconcepts of education of the two countries of great Asiancivilizations i.e. China and India. She then proceeded to givea brief history and some comments on Asian education, afterwhich Her Royal Highness expounded on higher education:from the age of imperialism to globalization. Her RoyalHighness pointed out the values of cooperation among allsectors, both at the country and international levels. Sheprovided information on the Asian position in the worldregarding educational achievements and economic conditions.Her Royal Highness illustrated how the talented programs andthe technology transfer from outstanding specialists have helpedThailand in its manpower development.

The thought-provoking comments and valuable informationprovided by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha ChakriSirindhorn in the Royal Address are greatly beneficial to thedevelopment of education. The Office of the Education

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Council (OEC) therefore deems it appropriate to disseminateHer valuable information and views far and wide. It wishes toexpress profound gratitude to Her Royal Highness forauthorizing OEC to publish the Royal Address, together withthe relevant illustrating maps and charts.

Amrung Chantavanich, Ph.D.Secretary-General,

The Office of the Education CouncilJuly, 2006

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American International Club (AIC)

of Geneva

The American International Club of Geneva was firstestablished on May 17, 1951 as the American Club of Genevaby Mr. Henry St.Leger of the International StandardsOrganization and Mr. Henry W. Dunning of the League ofRed Cross Societies to promote good relationship amongAmericans, men only, in Switzerland. Non-Americans couldonly be associated members. Since 1968 it has become aninternational club, in which associated members have becomenon-American voting members, and in 1993 the first womanjoined in the executive committee. At present the AIC hasabout 1,100 members and the office is at the IntercontinentalHotel, Geneva.

The AIC promotes relationship among the members and theircommunities, develops and participates in activities oneducation, culture, charity and others of the membersû interestsand benefits.

The Speakers Program is a very important activity ofthe Club. Many prominent speakers in business, sports,entertainment, politics, etc., from all over the world have beeninvited, for example, Mr. Mikail Gorbachev, Mr. Shimon Peres,Sir Peter Ustinov, Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and MadameSadako Ogata. Speaker luncheon has become a strongtradition of the AIC.

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Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn wasinvited by Mr. James Risch, President of the AIC, to speak oneducation and its role in strengthening the Asian position inthe world on December 14, 2005, after which she attendedthe council meeting of the Refugee Education Trust (RET).

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