Rene Parekh on LinkedIn: #gis #geospatialpython #cartography (2024)

Rene Parekh

GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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To create a map of wildfires in Australia from January 2024 to June 2024 using Python, we can utilize libraries such as folium for mapping and pandas for data manipulation. Here's an example of how you could approach this task:import foliumimport pandas as pdfrom datetime import datetime# Assuming you have a CSV file with wildfire data# The CSV should have columns: date, latitude, longitude, and fire_size# Load the datadf = pd.read_csv('australia_wildfires_2024.csv')# Convert date column to datetimedf['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])# Filter data for January to June 2024start_date = datetime(2024, 1, 1)end_date = datetime(2024, 6, 30)df_filtered = df[(df['date'] >= start_date) & (df['date'] <= end_date)]# Create a map centered on Australiam = folium.Map(location=[-25.2744, 133.7751], zoom_start=4)# Add fire markers to the mapfor idx, row in df_filtered.iterrows(): folium.CircleMarker( location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']], radius=row['fire_size'] / 100, # Adjust the divisor to scale the circle size appropriately popup=f"Date: {row['date'].date()}, Size: {row['fire_size']} hectares", color='red', fill=True, fillColor='red' ).add_to(m)# Save the'australia_wildfires_2024_jan_to_june.html')```This code does the following:1. We import the necessary libraries: folium for creating the map, pandas for data manipulation, and datetime for date filtering.2. We load the wildfire data from a CSV file. The CSV should contain columns for date, latitude, longitude, and fire size.3. We convert the date column to datetime format for easier filtering.4. We filter the data to include only wildfires from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024.5. We create a folium Map object centered on Australia.6. We iterate through the filtered data and add a CircleMarker for each wildfire. The size of the marker is proportional to the fire size.7. Finally, we save the map as an HTML file.To use this code, you would need to have a CSV file with the appropriate data. You can obtain this data from various sources, such as government agencies or research institutions that track wildfires. The NASA FIRMS (Fire Information for Resource Management System) mentioned in the search results could be a potential source for such data.Note that this is a basic example and can be enhanced in many ways, such as:- Adding a legend to explain the marker sizes- Using different colors for different fire intensities- Adding time-based animations to show the progression of fires over the months- Incorporating additional layers for terrain, vegetation, or population densityRemember to install the required libraries (folium and pandas) using pip before running the code:pip install folium pandasThe code provided is the basic code and can be modified according to the data provided. Found value? Follow Rene Parekh Reposting means a lot. #gis #geospatialpython #cartography

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    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    Greetings connections! As GIS professionals, we're at the forefront of shaping the future of spatial analysis and mapping. One exciting trend that's gaining momentum is the integration of BIM and GIS.BIM is more than just a visual representation of buildings; it's a data-rich environment that can be combined with GIS to create smart, data-driven models of our cities and infrastructure.Imagine being able to:- Visualize and analyze building information in a geospatial context- Create immersive, interactive 3D models of cities and infrastructure- Streamline construction and urban planning processes with data-driven insightsThe potential applications are vast, from smart city initiatives to disaster response and recovery.Let's continue the conversation and explore the possibilities of BIM and GIS integration. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! I am eager to know your experiences. Found value? Follow Rene Parekh #GIS #BIM #MappingTomorrow #SmartCities #SpatialAnalysis

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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    Location #intelligence and positioning intelligence are related concepts but have distinct differences:Location #intelligence refers to insights and analysis derived from #geospatialdata typically visualized on maps. It involves using #geographicinformationsystems and spatial analytics to detect patterns. It also finds trends and relationships in location-based data. Location intelligence helps organizations make strategic decisions. It does this by providing a visual representation of data in geographic context. Key aspects of location intelligence include:- Analyzing large volumes of #location-based data- Visualizing data on maps to uncover patterns and trends- Combining various data sources to gain insights- Supporting decision-making across industries like retail, finance and government#Positioningintelligence on the other hand, focuses more specifically on determining and tracking the precise location of objects or individuals. It is often in real-time. It is particularly relevant for indoor environments. GPS may not be effective in such settings.Key aspects of positioning intelligence include:- Accurate determination of location especially indoorsReal-time tracking of people or assetsIntegration with indoor mapping systems*Enabling #navigation and #wayfinding within buildings*While location intelligence provides broader view of geospatial data analysis positioning intelligence zeroes in on specific task of pinpointing locations. It often tracks with higher precision and in more challenging environments like indoor spaces. Location intelligence derives insights from geospatial data. Positioning intelligence focuses on accurately determining and tracking specific locations in indoor environments.Found value? Follow Rene Parekh Comment your thoughts and experience working with projects based on location intelligence in the comments. I am eager to know. Reposting means a lot.


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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    "What if you could predict the future of your city with a virtual doppelganger?"It is possible with digital twins in GIS. Well, what is this? A digital twin is a virtual representation of the real world, including physical objects, processes, relationships, and behaviours. GIS creates digital twins of the natural and built environments and uniquely integrates many types of digital models.Geospatial technology connects different types of data and systems to create a single view that can be accessed throughout the complete project life cycle. GIS enhances data capture and integration, enables better real-time visualisation, provides advanced analysis and automation of future predictions, and allows for information sharing and collaboration.Digital Twins have the following capabilities: 1. Data capture and integration:Digital twins are modernising how organisations capture and visualise data, integrate networks, and analyse information. They are used for data modeling, system integration and management, reality capture, feature creation and extraction, workflow and business systems. 2. Real-time analytics and visualisation: Digital Twins help to make the right decisions, discover new patterns and unlock data's potential with real-time information and an authoritative network. It includes dashboards and reporting, real-time IoT integration, insights and analytics and advanced visualisation. 3. Share and collaborate: GIS technology supports smart organisations and communities by improving information sharing, eliminating data silos, and increasing internal and external engagement. It throws light on dynamic visual communication, engagement and collaboration, data access from anywhere, information transparency and project delivery. 4. Analyse and predict: Digital Twins analyse and make accurate predictions using powerful statistical, machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence methods. It includes automation, notebooks and modelling, simulation and scenario modelling and forecasting. Here is a video for a brief workflow of digital twin technology in GIS.Found value? Follow Rene ParekhMention your experiences with digital twins in GIS. Reposting means a lot. 🙏 #digitaltwins #gis #geographicinformationsystem #realitycapture


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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    Greetings connections, Today I want to share some insights on 3D modeling and visualisation in GIS! 3D modeling and visualisation in GIS are technologies that enable users to create, manage and display three-dimensional data. 3D modeling and visualisation can improve understanding of spatial patterns, relationships and situations as well as support decision-making and communication. Some advantages of 3D modeling and visualisation in GIS are as follows: 1. Realism: 3D models can represent the appearance and scale of real-world objects such as buildings, terrain and ground features. This can help users understand and interact with information more accurately. 2. Analysis: 3D models can support many types of analysis, including view, slope, aspect, volume and surface. The analysis can reveal new insights and patterns not seen in 2D maps. 3. Presentation: 3D models can create a collaborative and visual communication system that is effective and engaging. 3D models can also be animated, annotated and exported to various formats and platforms. Want to learn more? Get my book called Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System on Amazon and explore the endless possibilities GIS offers. Link: Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the world with Geographic Information System - GIS what are you waiting for? Grab your copy now and join me on my journey of mapping tomorrow and help me make a great and a sustainable future. Found value? Follow Rene Parekh Reposting means a lot. 🙏🏻#gis #mapping #cartography #geospatialinformation #learngis #mappingtomorrow


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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    🌄Unlocking the Landscape: The Art of Contour Maps🌄Have you ever wondered how cartographers transform rugged mountains, rolling hills, and deep valleys into those mesmerizing lines on a map? 🗻🌊Contour mapsare like secret codes that reveal the Earth’s topography. Instead of showing features in 3D, they usecontour linesto represent elevation in 2D. Each line connects points of equal elevation above a reference datum (usually mean sea level). 📏🔍Why Contour Maps Matter:Navigational Insights:Hikers, geologists, and urban planners rely on contour maps to understand slopes, valleys, and ridges. 🥾Environmental Impact:Contour maps help us visualize flood-prone areas, plan infrastructure, and protect natural habitats. 🌿Aesthetic Appeal:Admit it—those gracefully curving lines are oddly satisfying! 😍🎨Creating Contour Maps:Data Collection:Surveyors, satellites, and drones gather elevation data.Contour Line Generation:Algorithms connect points of equal elevation, creating contour lines.Interval Magic:The spacing between contour lines (the contour interval) reveals steepness. Closer lines mean steeper terrain!Map It:Voilà! The landscape emerges, ready for exploration.🚀Next Time You See a Contour Map:Appreciate the artistry behind those lines—they’re more than squiggles; they’re a window into our planet’s contours! 🌎👉 Share your favourite contour map stories in the comments below! Let’s celebrate the beauty of elevation. 🗺️✨Found value? Follow Rene ParekhReposting means a lot 🙏 #gis #cartography #contourmaps #contourlines #topographicmap #mapping

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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    Learning modern GIS quickly involves a combination of understanding foundational concepts, practical application, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. Here’s a guide to help you get started:Understand the Basics: Start with the foundational concepts of GIS, such as spatial data types, coordinate systems, and map making. Resources like the Introduction to GIS by ArcGIS provide a great starting point.Hands-On Practice: Apply what you’ve learned by working on projects. Use platforms like ArcGIS Online to create maps, analyze spatial data, and share your findings.Learn from Tutorials: Engage with tutorials that walk you through various GIS processes. For example, ArcGIS offers tutorials on creating evacuation maps, exploring spatial data, and more. Explore Advanced Topics: Dive into more complex topics such as spatial analysis, remote sensing, and scripting with Python for automation and advanced data manipulation.Stay Current: GIS is an ever-evolving field. Keep up with the latest trends by reading articles, joining GIS communities, and attending webinars or conferences.Utilize E-Learning Resources: Esri Academy offers a Higher Ed Guide to Esri E-Learning for Modern GIS, which is a comprehensive resource for educators and students alike.Join GIS Communities: Engage with the GIS community through forums like the Esri Community to exchange ideas and solve problems collaboratively.Certification: Consider obtaining GIS certification, which can validate your skills and knowledge in the field.By following these steps and dedicating time to both learning and applying GIS techniques, you’ll be able to grasp modern GIS more quickly and effectively. Remember, the key is to balance theoretical knowledge with practical experience.Who’s else do you think can be helpful in learning modern GIS the correct way? Mention it in the comments. Found value? Repost it. Follow Rene Parekh for more GIS technology tips. #moderngis #geospatialtechnology #aiforgis #geo #esri #arcgis #cartography #geospatialanalysis #learnmoderngis

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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    Greetings People,Did you know that GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library, is like a Swiss Army knife for geographic data? It can transform, manipulate, and analyze spatial data with ease. How many formats can GDAL handle? 🌍🔍”Well, let me explain the entire thing to you. The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a cornerstone of the geospatial data processing community, offering a unifying abstraction for reading and writing raster and vector data across a wide variety of formats. As an open-source library, it has become integral to the workflows of geographers, GIS professionals, and environmental scientists, facilitating the analysis, manipulation, and visualization of spatial data. Features of the GDAL Library: GDAL’s functionalities extend beyond simple data access to include sophisticated spatial data processing capabilities. For raster data, GDAL provides tools for data reading, writing, transformation, and analysis, including raster algebra, warping, and conversion between different raster formats. For vector data, GDAL (through its OGR component) offers similar capabilities, including data reading, writing, and conversion, as well as advanced spatial operations like feature selection, geometry manipulation, and spatial querying.One of the key strengths of GDAL is its support for spatial reference system transformations. It can seamlessly convert geospatial data between different coordinate reference systems (CRS), making it invaluable for projects involving data from multiple sources and CRSs.Found value? Follow Rene Parekh Comment your thoughts on this. Have you used GDAL library for your geospatial data processing? Let’s start a conversation. Mention your thoughts and experiences of using GDAL in your project workflows. Reposting means a lot. 🙏🏻#gdal #geospatialscience #gis #spatialdata #geospatialpython

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  • Rene Parekh

    GIS Enthusiast | Environmental Enthusiast | Author of Mapping Tomorrow: Navigating the World with Geographic Information System | ESRI YPN

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    Greetings everyone! Here are top powerful Python libraries designed specifically for working with geospatial data and incorporating artificial intelligence (GeoAI) techniques. Here are some of the most popular ones:1. GeoPandas: This library builds upon the familiar Pandas library, providing data analysis tools specifically tailored for geospatial data. It allows you to seamlessly work with attributes and spatial features.2. GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library): A cornerstone library for geospatial data manipulation, GDAL offers functionalities for reading, writing, and processing various raster and vector data formats.3. GeoPy: If you need to convert addresses into geographic coordinates (geocoding) and vice versa (reverse geocoding), GeoPy is your go-to library. It also provides distance calculation between points using different metrics.4. Shapely: This library allows you to create and manipulate geometric objects like points, lines, and polygons. It's helpful for vector data analysis and operations.5. PyProj: When dealing with geospatial data, projections and coordinate systems are crucial. PyProj simplifies this process by providing a Python interface for the PROJ library, enabling coordinate transformation between different systems.6. Cartopy: For creating publication-quality maps and geospatial visualizations, Cartopy is an excellent choice. It offers a powerful suite of tools for customizing and presenting your geospatial data.There are several others as well! Found value? Follow Rene Parekh and comment your thoughts as well! If you know other Python libraries for data manipulation and cartography in GIS, do mention it in the comments. Also do comment your go-to python libraries for geospatial analysis and cartography. Reposting means a lot! #geospatialpython #pythonlibrariesforgis #gis #geographicinformationsystem #geospatialdataanalysis


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Rene Parekh on LinkedIn: #gis #geospatialpython #cartography (2024)


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